some of the snapshots from Hendrik’s portfolio for 2nd semester
"... Hendrik possesses good fine and gross motor skills which in turn helped in his self-help daily routines.
He uses his writing tools with great control and puts in effort in his work, thus produces neat work. He is able to complete his writing tasks independently.
Hendrik has good control in handling a pair of scissors to cut paper.
When participating in group games, he is able to learn to share, take turns and cooperate with others. He knows and applies safety practices with respect to self and others during physical activity.
He follows class rules and instructions and is a well behaved boy."
"... Hendrik is able to grasp math concepts fast.
He knows the names and order of the months.
He is able to recognize, predict and complete patterns from AB, ABC, AABB, to AABBCC.
He understands the concepts of one to one correspondence, has good counting skills and understands number value, number bonds and is able to describe the data on a 3-dimensional graph.
He is able to match and sort objects according to two attributes, put three or more things in an order according to width and position."
Translation: ...
"... Hendrik responds appropriately when spoken to or questioned. He is able to follow verbal instructions that involve a series of actions.
He is able to sound each letter of the alphabet, blend sounds to read words, read simple sentences, produce rhyming words and retell key events in stories in the correct sequence using appropriate cues and prompts.
He also understands the basic conventions of writing such as space between words, appropriate use of upper and lower cases and basic punctuations.
Hendrik may be shy to speak in front of a group but with encouragement and prompts, he is able to do it.
He enjoys bringing his toy vehicles to school for show and tell."
"... At times, Hendrik can be heard reading to his friends.
Hendrik has good self-management skills. He is able to persist in a given task and expresses his feelings in appropriate ways.
He works and plays cooperatively with others and recognizes the consequences of their solutions and decisions on self and others.
He takes responsibility for personal belongings as well as for a given task.
He also recognizes socially acceptable behaviors in class.
Hendrik has overcome his inhibition, and is more open to speak and share his thoughts and experiences with his friends and teachers."
Related post: 2013 Semester 1 Assessment
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